The WhatsApp Groups.
WhatsApp has become very popular next to Facebook for the conveniences
it offers. The one factor that defeated Internet Explorer is that all the
messages will be
downloaded to the computer system before one can read or reply. Peculiarly the same factor made WhatsApp
popular. There is the troublesome side of WhatsApp too. The trouble might come easily through "WhatsApp groups".The groups are useful
to some extent for fast communications but are troublesome also.
Suddenly one of our acquaintances
who happen to be an admin of a group, might add us to a group, many times
without our permissions. There exits an option to leave the group. But we find
some messages, some memes or some videos interesting and so we stick on to that
group. We ourselves sometimes think that we can comment for the postings. We
think that it will be a contribution of a great idea or an appreciation that will
make us popular. Right appreciations do make us popular. But flattery or
criticism or posting a contradictory view will put us into trouble.
It is necessary to understand group psychology to continue in the group.
Many times we will be left wondering whether any idea could be
contributed to the group at all.
There could be as many as 250 members in a group. It will be nice to see
colourful ‘forwards’ from some unknown guys and known friends.
In fact they do lot of homework to collect these. But what is the
response they get?
If they do it for their own satisfaction, that is fine.
In many groups, especially the groups of college mates everybody knows
If you give any information contradicting a post confirming the view
that is established, the one who posts it will keep quiet and some other guy will
put a sarcastic remark and the guy who posted comes back and endorses the
sarcastic comment. So, it is taken as something against the guy who originally
Over the past years everyone has gained so much of knowledge that is
really fine. The sad part is that they think everything they know is right, so
are trapped into the space of their knowledge.
If you step out of that space you can see a different perspective. Then
we understand everything is Illusion. Everything is only the image.
Sometimes the image describes the reality very closely. Many times
the image is grossly wrong.
You believe in Shiva,
Someone believes in Vishnu,
Another one says that Jesus is the only God and Holy bible is 100 %
For a few others Allah is the God and whatever has been said in Quran is
the perfect way to live.
Same views are held by Jains and Buddhists and the members of other
religions also.
In spite of the education and analytical intelligence, the minds are
caught in believes.
So there is no freedom from the space our knowledge and belief.
It thus becomes very difficult to share a different view point. Why
should we educate a group? Let them discuss their small stories. Let them have
their dear drinks and relish their food recipes.
The business world loads Terabytes and Terabytes of information for the
growth of business.
So everyone will believe in personalities like Religious leaders,
Doctors, Dentist and things like Tooth paste, the health drink, the elite
lungi, the best jewel, the best edible oil and the best shop to buy clothes and
consumer durables.
All these beliefs are tailored to make us slaves of corporate business world.
You believe 80/120 is normal BP and then now someone says 90/140 is the
Similarly the accepted Blood Glucose levels Fasting/PP is 100/140 But
now the research scientists say PP Blood Glucose level 230 is acceptable. .
The Illusion is created by the MNC'S and Corporate companies for
creating a market, to drive the business to growth as fast as possible.
Most people will be enslaved with this kind of illusions.
The few who are attempting to be free from the known and the illusions are
called misfits and cranky.
So we have to analyse the kind of mindset in a group in order to
participate. The very smart guys will always keep quiet saving their
time. They will also not face any emotional disturbance.
Group is not a place for intelligent discussion.
Go by what people like, to survive in the group and be in hibernation
mode as far as possible.
It is better to limit the number of groups we are in and limit the
posts. Huge amount of information is available on the internet and so we need
not educate anyone because learning is a process of self.
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