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Showing posts from November 17, 2010


Lakhs & Crores of people are ahead of me and lakhs are behind me, we are all running “Where are we going?” I asked some one by my side. “People ahead of us are clear about the destination, they know everything. So we are following them.” “People behind us can also think like that, so could the assumption be wrong?” I said. He stared at me and started running. “What can we see at the end of our journey?” I enquired another. “You can reach glittering heaven and God will welcome us there”. “Is there any one who has seen this and returned or some one who can confirm this?” “You are an atheist and you will not achieve anything and you will never allow any one else to achieve”. He cursed me and went ahead. Without giving up, I asked the next guy, “Why are we running?” He said “Our legs are created for running and we have been trained to run and so we are running.” “If we have been trained to stand, relax and sit then can we conclude that legs are for that only?” ...