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The WhatsApp Groups

The WhatsApp Groups . WhatsApp has become very popular next to Facebook for the conveniences it offers. The one factor that defeated Internet Explorer is that all the messages will be downloaded to the computer system before one can read or reply. Peculiarly the same factor made WhatsApp popular. There is the troublesome side of WhatsApp too. The trouble might come easily through "WhatsApp groups".The groups are useful to some extent for fast communications but are troublesome also. Suddenly one of   our acquaintances who happen to be an admin of a group, might add us to a group, many times without our permissions. There exits an option to leave the group. But we find some messages, some memes or some videos interesting and so we stick on to that group. We ourselves sometimes think that we can comment for the postings. We think that it will be a contribution of a great idea or an appreciation that will make us popular. Right appreciations do make us popular. But...
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I have become a misfit to modern social service organisations

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Naturopathy camp

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Stay Connected Else Renounce Relatives and Friends

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