We get our relatives without our choice. However we are bound to maintain a very good relationship at least with very close relatives. Nowadays, our free time is occupied by television and the programs are so captivating that we even fail to do our routines. We plan our routines according to the TV programs. Sometimes we skip our meal and sit awake late night also. The computer literate youngsters and even oldies are glued to social media and are connected with ‘n’ number of friends. Many of them are not going to be of any use except for chatting, increasing the scores on ‘likes’ and sharing some interesting links. The ‘n’ in many cases is a three digit numeral. The time required to attend our office is also enormous when we take into account the time we spend in commuting to and fro. The competition and office politics are so fierce that we have to take home-work. We have to work from homes at times since we are wirelessly connected to our office through interne...
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